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The Art of the Garden Indoors. A potted history of the display of flowers and plants in the home.


Marilyn Elm

Lecturer, writer for professional and consumer magazines, sound and television broadcaster, website contributor and researcher. Qualified in landscape architecture and interior design. Studies in Historic Parks and Gardens and Conservation, York University. Experienced tutor and course leader. Specialist subjects: Garden/landscape history and design. Lecturer and speaker for universities and organisations including the RHS, The National Trust and NADFAS. Passionate about promoting our gardening heritage to the public through writing and 'pop-up' talks on a variety of related topics including the glasshouse, the lawnmower, garden tools, children and gardens, the gnome, wartime gardening etc. Conducts visits to historic gardens and others. Contributed to BBC TV ‘Flog It’, Gardeners World Roadshow (antique gardening tools) and ‘Gardens Through Time’. A founder member of the Yorkshire Gardens Trust. The Art of the Garden indoors

The desire to bring plants indoors for decorative purposes has been a practice for many centuries and one supported by the ceramic, glass and metalwork artist. This talk follows the story of using plants in the home through the influx of exotics, the changes in technology and the fashions in Interior design. From the conservatory to dressing the dinner table, all will be explored, including the wonder works of arts used to support such plant displays.

This will be held at Worsall Village Hall, address: 3 Church Ln, Yarm TS15 9QB link:

The cost is £25 which includes lunch.

Please pay and book your place by contacting Della Kerr Tel: 01325 721458 Email:

This will be held at Worsall Village Hall, near Yarm.

It will cost £25 which includes lunch.

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